Domain Knowledegbase
Table of Contents
What is Domain?
Domain, also known as domain name, is the name given to identify or name a website. The name entered in a web browser to visit a website can also be called. For example, to visit our website Vernode, you can enter Vernode in your browser. Domain, which is the most basic building block of your website, is the first service you should get before starting a project.
What is TLD?
TLD is the abbreviation for the top-level name. It refers to the extension of a domain name that follows the period. You are familiar with TLDs such as .Com, .net and .org. These TLDs are designed to indicate something about the domain. For example, .com means “commercial” and .net NETwork. The .org extension, on the other hand, is offered for non-commercial organizations, but today there are many individual or corporate users.
ccTLD or country code means the top-level domain name. They are designed to indicate sites located in or associated with certain countries or regions. Most CcTLDs do not actually have restrictions on who can register domain names. In fact, many ccTLDs are often misinterpreted as TLDs. For example, .tv is publicly recorded by television and media-related websites, while .tv is actually ccTLD, designated for the country of Tuvalu. Such generic mind extensions are the popular use of both TLDs and ccTLDs. It is preferred to include a complete word or phrase when combining the domain with TLD to create something that your audience will easily remember. A popular example is .me ccTLD provided by Montenegro, but generally users register a ccTLD-based domain to have nice and fun names like
There are also second-level options that are especially popular with ccTLDs. For example, the United Kingdom has a number of second-level domains ranging from ‘’ (designed for UK-based businesses) to ‘’ (designed for UK-based internet providers).
What is ICANN?
Who is responsible for all these domain registrations? Most countries manage a Network Information Center (NIC). The NIC is the master database that contains all the information about which domain names are registered and the IP addresses associated with each of these domain names. The non-profit organization, ICANN, is responsible for creating and managing procedures for Internet domain names.
How to Register a Domain?
Registering and managing domains with Vernode is a very easy and trouble-free process. Anyone who wants to start a web project can use the simple control panel to save and take the first step.
First, visit our Domain page and type the name you have in mind into the search field. Then our site will direct you to our control panel. Here you will see the different extensions of the keyword you selected along with the price detail. For example, you think of a name like, but the .com extension is full. No need to panic, our control panel will check you other empty extensions and make a list. After selecting your free choice, you will be directed to the service settings page with the buy button. On this page, you will be offered additional or paid services that you can use with your domain. After making your selections from these services, you will continue to the shopping cart and member information page. If you have already purchased from our website and have a user account, you can login and jump directly to the payment step. However, if you don’t have an account, the control panel will allow you to create a new membership very quickly. The final step is to select your payment method and end your registration process by making your payment. Once your payment has been made successfully, the control panel will instantly register and direct you to the management screen.

Emre S.
Computer Engineer.